When you are at the $TITLE login window, please close it. POL_SetupWindow_message '$(eval_gettext 'NOTICE: Do not close $TITLE until installation completes. # POL_Wine_OverrideDLL 'disabled' 'd3dcompiler_46' # not sure if this is really needed (2016): # POL_Wine_OverrideDLL 'native,builtin' '*msvcr90' 'msvcp100' 'dbghelp' POL_Download '$DOWNLOAD_BASE$CLIENT_NAME' POL_SetupWindow_menu_list '$(eval_gettext 'Please choose your desired locale')' '$TITLE' 'enGB~enUS~deDE~esES~frFR~ruRU~itIT~ptPT' '~'ĬLIENT_NAME='-Setup-'$APP_ANSWER'.exe' POL_RequiredVersion '4.3.4' || POL_Debug_Fatal '$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE' POL_SetupWindow_presentation '$TITLE' '$EDITOR' '$GAME_URL' '$AUTHOR' '$PREFIX' POL_GetSetupImages '$PREFIX/top.jpg' '$PREFIX/left.jpg' '$TITLE' # Warning message (winxp required to install, then switching to win7 is possible). # Improved version to make the launcher fully functional without some UI bugs that we had before (dropping menus, etc.). # Disable POL_Wine_OverrideDLL (not necessary anymore). # POL_SetupWindow_VMS '1024' -> '64' (minimum for Hearthstone). Not aware of issues outside of North America or the US, but this might be the cause if any do arise. # Notes: Pulls in the US instsallation file for Battle.Net. # (latest) Distribution used to test : Kubuntu 18.04 圆4 # Last revision : see the changelog below